10th April, 2003
Ministry of Mines  



National Aluminium Company Ltd. (NALCO) was incorporated in 1981, in the public sector following major investment decision of Govt. of India to exploit a part of the large deposits of bauxite, discovered in the east coast. Aluminium Pechiney of France, a world leader in the field, provided the technology and the basic engineering for its bauxite mine, alumina refinery and smelter.

Today, as a Star Trading House and an ISO 9002 & 14001 company, Nalco has emerged as the largest integrated bauxite-aluminium complex in Asia, enabling India to witness a quantum jump in alumina and aluminium production.

On Panchpatmali hills of Koraput district in Orissa, a fully mechanised open-cast mine of 24, 00,000 tpy capacity is in operation since 1985, serving feedstock to Alumina Refinery located on the foothills. The capacity has been expanded now to 48,00,000 tpy. In operation since 1986, the 8,00,000 tpy Alumina Refinery is located in the picturesque valley of Damanjodi. The capacity now has gone up expanded to 15,75,000 tpy. A 2.30,000 tpy capacity Aluminium Smelter is located at Angul in Orissa. Based on energy efficient state-of-the-art technology of smelting and pollution control, the Smelter is in operation since 1987. Its capacity is being expanded to 3,45,000 tpy and likely to be completed by 2003.

Close to the Aluminium Smelter, a Captive Power Plant of 720 MW capacity has been established to feed the smelter. Its capacity is being expanded to 840 mw. On the

inner harbour of Vishakhapatnam Port, on the Bay of Bengal, Nalco has mechanised storage and ship handling facilities for export of alumina in bulk.

In operation since 1986, Nalco's Alumina Refinery, having two parallel streams of 4,00,000 tpy capacity each, is designed to provide 4,00,000 tonnes of alumina to the company's smelter at Angul and export the balance 4,00,000 tonnes in overseas markets through Vishakhapatnam Port. The salient technological feature of the Alumina Refinery are: low temperature atmospheric pressure digestion process, energy efficient fluidised bed calciners of 2x1400 tpd and co-generation of 3x18.5 mw power by use of back pressure turbine in steam generation plant.