10th April, 2003
Ministry of Urban Development  


Prime Minister’s National Award for Excellence in Urban Planning and Design 1998-99 has been announced as follows: -

Category – I Implemented Urban Planning and Design Projects signifying built environment of an exceptional quality.

First Prize JVSL Township, Bellary (Shri Gerard De Cunha, Architecture Autonomous, Goa).

Second Prize Agriculture Produce Market Complex, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai (City and Industrial Development Corporation, Navi Mumbai).

Category – II Innovative Ideas/Concepts and Plans in Urban Planning and Design where the Projects are still in the pipeline or at implementation stage.

First Prize Sabarmati River Front Development Project (Sabarmati River Front Development Corporation, Ahmedabad).

Second Prize Restructuring the Historic Core, Hyderabad (Vastu Shilpa Consultants, Ahmedabad).

The first prize in each category carries a cash award of Rs. 5.00 lakh and a citation, whereas the second prize carries a cash award of Rs. 2.50 lakh and a citation. 19 entries were received for the scheme of wards 1998-99. Of these 7 were in category-I and 12 in category II. A jury under the chairmanship of Secretary (Urban Development) evaluated the entries.

Government instituted Prime Ministers’ National Award for Excellence in Urban Planning and Design in 1995, which was to be given biennially. The award aims at rewarding highly successful and promising innovations in Urban Planning and Design in order to improve functional performance of cities and their quality of life. The award is open to all Indian Town Planners, Architects and allied professionals, their firms and government/public/private sector institutions that have planned/implemented projects anywhere in India.