10th April, 2003
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  


Lok Sabha

Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas informed the Lok Sabha while replying a question that several measures have been taken by the public sector oil companies to improve the quality of petrol and diesel in the country during the past few years. This includes phasing out of lead from petrol, reducing sulphur content in petrol and diesel, increasing the octane number of petrol and cetane number of diesel and introducing the benzene content limit in petrol. The investment made by the oil companies to improve the quality of petrol and diesel have been of the order of Rs. 10,000 crores including around Rs. 2,430 crores during the past three years.

Shri Naik added that the improved quality of petrol and diesel is being made available throughout the country. Further, petrol and diesel with ultra low sulphur content (0.05% ) which comply with Euro-II norms, is available in four metropolitan cities and Hyderabad/Secundarabad. He informed that this fuel has also been introduced in Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Agra, Pune, Kanpur and Surat from 1.4.2003. Reply to supplementary question, the Minister informed the House that to supply the Euro-II compliant petrol and diesel throughout the country, oil companies would make investment of Rs. 19,536 crores up to the year 2005.