10th April, 2003
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  


Dr. Sahib Singh, Union Labour Minister said that Government is committed to workers' participation in the management but this would take shape on the basis of consensus among industrialists, workers' organisations and the government. Dr. Singh was inaugurating one-day Workshop on Participation of Workers in Industry with a special focus to discuss the Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) Model at VV Giri National Labour Institute at NOIDA today. The Minister underlined the point that the industrialists invest their money into the industrial venture, whereas the labourers put in their life and labour into it. Therefore, any industrial venture can grow only on the basis of mutual trust and sharing of concerns. It is, therefore, imperative that every worker has right to participate in the decision-making in the industry and the modalities should be discussed among the social partners in the process. He said the Ministry is already taken up the serious discussions on it with industrialists and the workers' organisations. This one-day workshop is one more effort to arrive at the solutions to the contentious issues of possible formulations of the workers' participation in industry. He also underlined the point that in order to make it a success we are very conscious and taking up this issue with consensus among all. This is the only way to make industrial democracy a success. Dr. Singh also mentioned that recently the industry is passing through a bad patch of recession but with more integrated decision-making among workers and the owners of the industry, the better industrial environment would be created and this would lead to industrial progress.

The Secretary in his address said that there are many models of workers' participation in the decision-making relating to technical matters; employment and personnel matters; economic and financial policies; and general policies. These models may take the form of structural arrangements, functional arrangements and jurisdictional schemes. He also lauded the japanese model of participation through joint management councils where workers inputs are taken on the matters relating to their operational difficulties and other matters of vital interests. Shri Udai Kumar Verma, the Director of the Institute in his inaugural address underlined the point that in order to generate cordial industrial relations between the employers and the employees, the workers' participation in the decision-making becomes a sine qua non in the era of global competition. The solutions may vary, the approaches may be diverse and the formulations may be different but we will have to work on the consensus to arrive at the possible solutions.

TISCO is today one of the most efficient steel producer in the world where, there has neither been any labour strike since 1928 , nor there is a case of assault to anybody and theft. The concept of working together in TISCO was conceived in 1956 and was implemented since 1958. The core of the process is based on the recognision of co-determined decision-making wherever the interest of the worker is concerned. There are 56 joint departmental councils with rotating presentship, some of them relate to welfare, production, safety, health , education and civil life etc.

The present workshop will deliberate upon the outcome of the TISCO experience; the issues like how many layers of participation are to be envisaged?; functions/responsibilities associated with each layer and level of participation of functionaries at different layers.