9th April, 2003
Ministry of Mines  



Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra have large bauxite reserves. The private sector companies such as Sterlite Industries Pvt. Limited, Orissa Extrusions Limited, Indian Aluminium Company Limited, Passary Minerals Limited, Utkal Alumina, Larsen & Tubro and Hindalco Industries Limited are keen to set up new aluminium/alumina plants in these mineral rich States. The Government had already set up Central Public Sector Undertakings like Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (Govt.'s 51 per cent equity since divested) in Chhattisgarh and National Aluminium Company Limited in Orissa.

Aluminium Sector is exempted from the provision of compulsory licensing. The parties interested in setting up new aluminium plants have simply to file an Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (REM) with the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion.

This information was given by the Minister for Mines, Shri Ramesh Bais in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.