9th April, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  




The Office of the Iraq Programme (OIP) of the United Nations has, in a note to the Permanent Mission of India (PMI) on 3rd April 2003, issued certain additional information for the suppliers of goods under the ‘Oil for Food’ programme (OFP). The suppliers of goods under the OFP have been divided into three categories:

(i) Contracts already identified as possible priorities by the UN

(ii) Contracts with goods already in transit and

  1. Other goods to be considered as possible priorities.

The OIP has also given a general advice to all suppliers not to ship goods unless they have reached arrangement with and received specific instructions from the relevant UN agency or the Office of the Iraq Programme.

As on 3rd April 2003, a total of 23 Indian contracts have been identified on the priority list. The detailed list of possible priority contracts is available at the OIP website www.un.org/Depts/oip The list of Indian contracts on the priority list cover goods such as Instant Full Cream Powder, Wheat, Gas Turbines, Educational materials/ equipment, Vitamins, Soyabean meal, Water Pump, Veterinary Pharmaceuticals, medicines, drugs and pharmaceuticals.

The Indian suppliers are requested to go through the website, and if, they are not already contacted by the UN agencies, may contact the Permanent Mission of India to the UN, 235 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017(Fax No. 212 490 9656) (Tel. 212 490 9660) or e-mail Counsellor, Shri H.V. Shringla, at indiaun@prodigy.net or india@un.int They may also contact Department of Commerce, Government of India (WANA Division) at kveapen@ub.nic.in

Regarding suppliers with contracts in category (ii), i.e., goods already in transit, only those identified as priorities will be contacted at this time, though arrangements for other transit contracts are currently being discussed in the UN. In addition, the PMI to the UN has taken up a list of 22 Indian companies whose goods have been shipped but have not yet been added to the priority list. The details in this regard are available both with the Permanent Mission of India, New York or the Department of Commerce, WANA Division.

In addition to the above, the OIP has defined a list of priority items to be considered under the category (iii). This list is available on the website and cover sectors such as food, health, water sanitation, education, agriculture and electricity supplies. The suppliers who have approved contracts covering such goods but who have not yet been declared ‘priority’ should contact the Department of Commerce or OIP through PMI, New York with duly filled pro-forma (again available on website) immediately.

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