8th April, 2003
Ministry of Mines  



Under Rule 22(4A) of the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960, State Governments have been empowered to approve mining plan of open cast mines (mines other than the under ground mines) in respect of 29 non-metallic or industrial minerals which were notified vide Gazette Notification number GSR 743(E) in September 2000. Mineral Concession Rules 1960 have been further amended vide Gazette Notification GSR 733(E) in October 2002 to modify the eligibility qualifications of the officers of the State Governments who could be empowered to approve mining plan of the 29 non-metallic industrial minerals. This information was given by the Minister for Mines Shri Ramesh Bais in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.

In reply to a question on Government's endeavour to promote exploitation of mineral resources, he said that under the National Mineral Policy, 1993, the exploration and exploitation of all non-fuel and non-atomic minerals have been thrown open to private entrepreneurs. Government is making all efforts to increase investment in the mining sector by creating investor friendly climate and removing bottlenecks to attract such investment.