30th September, 2002
Ministry of Science & Technology  


Professor Goverdhan Mehta, a leading organic chemist and Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore has been elected President of the International Council for Science (ICSU). The General Assembly of ICSU held in Rio elected Prof. Mehta for this prestigious post. The National Indian Science Academy (INSA), which is the adhering body to ICSU in India on behalf of the Government of India, nominated Prof. Mehta, for the same. The election of Prof. Mehta, former President of INSA is a unique honour to an Indian scientist and recognition of the scientific potential of India.

ICSU is a non-governmental organisation set up in 1931 to promote international scientific activity in different branches of science and their applications for the benefit of humanity. Over 100 countries of the world which are active in pursuing science are associated with ICSU and its programmes.