23rd September, 2002
Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs  


The Ministry of Finance has decided to fund the opening deficit of five States through a medium term loan. A total assistance of Rs. 3154 crores is being given to the States of Assam (Rs.750 crore), Manipur (Rs.371 crores), West Bengal (Rs. 878 crores), Rajasthan (Rs.463 crores) and Orissa (Rs.672 crores).

This decision has been taken to ameliorate the ways and means position of these States which have been facing a serious problem of over drafts. In States such as Assam and Manipur, the State treasuries have remain closed for almost 60 days at a stretch leading to a serious erosion of credibility of the State Government as well as fuelling the already unstable law and order problem.

The assistance would be for a period of five years. They will be moratorium on principle repayment till the submission of Twelfth Finance Commission’s recommendations. The coupon on these loans will be the same as the Reserve Bank of India’s ways and means assistance to the States.