16th September, 2002
Ministry of Textiles  


Modernization of power looms has become a matter of utmost priority for us to remain competitive in the market. Minister of State for Textiles Shri Basanagouda R. Patil stated this in a letter addressed to the Chief Minister of Karnataka, Shri S.M. Krishna today. Shri Patil stated that in the globalised market, evolving as a result of WTO agreements, the decentralized powerloom sector is facing a threat of import penetration and it cannot meet the global challenges in terms of quality and pricing unless it replaces ordinary looms with modern automatic looms.

He pointed out that the uninterrupted power supply is one of the basic requisites for modern looms. The demand for low cost of power, assured supply and power-theft are issues which have to be resolved. He stated that he has requested the Chief Secretarys of all major power loom States to initiate negotiations between the power loom associations and the state electricity Boards to find solutions in order to improve availability of reliable power supply at reasonable rates.

The decentralized power loom sector, while expressing reservations about the present condition of power supply, has shown its willingness to install captive power generation plants under Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS), if the State Electricity Boards permit.

In Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Andhra power at subsidized rates are given to the power loom sector. Shri Patil urged the Karnataka Chief Minister to initiate suitable measure for providing uninterrupted power supply at reasonable rates to power loom clusters in the State and also examine if the power loom industry can be allowed to install captive power generation facilities.