23th October, 2002
Ministry of Law & Justice  


The Centre has drawn up an Action Plan for filling up all the 2216 vacant posts of judges and magistrates in district and subordinate courts for the current financial year 2002-2003 as per the directions of the Supreme Court in judges case in March 2002. The Action Plan has been worked out in consultation with all the 21 High Courts and the State Governments.

With filling up all the 2216 vacancies of judges in the subordinate courts and all the 1734 Fast Track Courts becoming fully functional during 2002-2003, a total of 3950 additional courts will be added to the present number of 11242 courts to make 35 per cent more additional courts in the country.

As for filling up the vacancies in all the 21 High Courts in the country, the Chief Justices of the High Courts have been advised to speed up their recommendations for filling up 140 vacant posts of judges. The approved strength of judges of High Courts is 647. The Prime Minister has already directed to fill up vacancies in the High Courts expeditiously. Of late, there has been an upward trend in filling up vacancies in the High Courts.

The Law Ministry has received proposals for filling up of 65 vacancies in the High Courts, which are under consideration of the Government. The Government has been urging the Chief Justices of the High Courts to make recommendations for timely filling up of vacancies.

During the last three years, the total approved strength of the High Court judges has increased from 618 as in October 1999 to 647 in September 2002, against which 506 judges are already in position.

Similarly, the number of High Courts in the country has gone up from 18 High Courts to 21 following bifurcation of the States of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. As a result, High Courts in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal have been set up with effect from November 2000.

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