19th October, 2002
Ministry of Civil Aviation  


The Civil Aviation Minister Shri Syed Shahnawaz Hussain has said that his Ministry will take all possible steps to boost aviation activity in Himachal Pradesh. He gave this assurance during a visit to the Kullu-Manali airport today. Airports Authority of India (AAI) has taken up major development works at various airports in Himachal Pradesh for providing better air connectivity to places of tourist attraction in the hilly state. Government of Himachal Pradesh has signed an MOU with AAI for Development & Upgradation works at Kullu-Manali and Kangra Airports at a cost of Rs. 18.22 Crore. These works are presently being executed by AAI.

AAI has also taken up development of a new Civil Enclave, capable to handle air traffic up to Air Bus 320 type of aircraft, at Pathankot Air force Station. This will provide better air connectively to Dalhousie and Dharamshala by feeder aircrafts of small category. The Civil Enclave is likely to be commissioned by May 2003.

The Minister said that, the recently constructed terminal building at Kangra Airport to cater for peak hour capacity of 100 passengers at a time with all amenities will be ready for commissioning by December, 2002. However, the runway though extended and recarpetted for 50 seater aircraft of ATR type could not be commissioned for want of diversion of a road and a Nallah for which Government of Himachal Pradesh has been requested to take expeditious action. Runway at Shimla has already been extended up to 4100 feet. However recarpetting and profile correction work is in progress and is likely to be completed by November 2002. The extended runway will be in operation by this year-end