16th October, 2002
Ministry of Rural Development  


A National Workshop on Rural Housing and Habitat Development is being organized by the Ministry of Rural Development in collaboration with the Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) on 18-19th October 2002 at New Delhi. Minister for Rural Development Shri Shanta Kumar will inaugurate the workshop.

The purpose of the workshop is to sensitize the Government and Non Government Agencies about opportunities and funds availability under various Rural Housing Schemes being implemented by the Government of India. It will also provide a platform for increased Government – NGO interaction. The workshop will identify critical issues both at policy and implementation levels, which may require immediate attention of the Ministry, the State Governments and NGOs.

The discussion will cover a variety of subjects in the Rural Housing Sector such as Networking, Training and Capacity Building of Voluntary Organisations, Financing Options in Rural Housing Sector, Cost Effective Innovative Housing in Rural Areas, Calamity Resistant Technologies, Building Materials, Appropriate Designs and Structures.

Shri Subhash Maharia, Minister of State for Rural Development, will address the valedictory session on 19th October 2002.