11th October, 2002
Ministry of Science & Technology  


Sweden has expressed keen interest in expanding and strengthening scientific and technological cooperation with India. This was conveyed to the Minister for Human Resource Development and Science and Technology Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, by the leader of a ten-member Swedish delegation from the Royal Institute of Technology Prof. Anders Flodstrom, at a meeting here yesterday. The delegation is in India visiting scientific, technical and educational institutions in the country in a bid to explore the possibilities of widening cooperation.

Though there is no formal bilateral agreement on science and technology with Sweden, collaboration on a limited scale has been taking place under the umbrella of Indo-Swedish Joint Commission for economic, industrial, technical and scientific cooperation. Dr. Joshi emphasised the need for the two countries to conclude an S&T agreement, under which the level of collaboration could be enhanced. While touching upon interaction in biotechnology, Dr. Joshi made it clear that India stands for bio-ethics. The Swedish delegation was also keen on knowing our distance education and open school programmes as well as developing contacts with social science institutions in the country.

The major areas identified for cooperation include biotechnology, food-technology, environmental technology, energy technology, advanced materials and metallurgy.