11th October, 2002
Ministry of Tourism  



Vice President, Shri Bhairon Singh Shekhawat has said that Jayaprakash Narayan did not aspire for any post despite all competence, selfness and taking the people always with him were his main principles. Shri Shekhawat was speaking after inauguration of the Exhibition titled ‘Jayaprakash Narayan: Revolutionary and Lok Nayak’ in the premises of National Archives of India, New Delhi. Commemorative coins of Rs. 100, Rs. 10, and Rs. 1 and a brochure were also released by the Vice President. Recalling his fond memories during his association with Lok Nayak, he said that Antodaya Yojana was very close to his heart. He wanted the scheme to inculcate faith in the minds of the poor that it was for their real prosperity and development. Shri Shekhawat said that during his Chief Ministership in Rajasthan, he implemented the scheme with full vigour and strength and made it a success.

On the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister, Shri Lal Krishan Advani said that Shri Jayaprakash Naryan made invaluable contribution to strengthen the democracy. At the time when there were some challenges for the democracy he came forward to face them and save it. ‘Following this spirit, now free and fair elections have been successfully organised in Jammu & Kashmir and democracy has again won’ he added.

On the occasion, former Prime Minister and close associates of Shri Jayaprakash Narayan, Shri Chandra Shekhar appreciated the projects prepared by Shri Jagmohan as the Minister for Culture for Centenary Celebrations, he said his personal monitoring would ensure time bound completion and spreading message about work and life of Lok Nayakji.

In his welcome address, Minister for Tourism and Culture, Shri Jagmohan gave background of the centenary celebrations and also particulars of the various functions that are going to be held during the Centenary Year – October 11, 2002 to October 11, 2003.

Giving the background, Shri Jagmohan said that first meeting of the National Committee constituted for chalking out the programmes for the centenary celebrations was held on September 14, 2002 under the Chairmanship of Vice President of India. This meeting was attended by Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister, and other senior leaders, including Shri Chandra Shekhar, Shri L.K. Advani, Shri Nanaji Deshmukh and Shri Mohan Dharia. At this meeting, an Executive Committee, under the chairmanship of Shri Chandra Shekhar, was constituted for the purpose of chalking out/sanctioning programmes and projects.

Shri Jagmohan gave brief particulars of the programmes and projects so far approved by the Executive Committee/National Committee for the period October 11, 2002 to October 11, 2003. These are as under:

The Exhibition - ‘Jayaprakash Narayan: Revolutionary and Lok Nayak’, would be taken to other major cities of India including Patna. Thereafter, its replication would be permanently set up as an adjunct to the Jayaprakash Narayan Museum at Sitab Diara (Jayaprakash Nagar), which would also be suitably upgraded. So would be the commemorative coin and brochure which the Hon’ble Vice President released today.

Development of a J.P. Memorial Park near Indian Express Building, New Delhi and installation of statue therein. Setting up of a J.P. Memorial College and statue at Pagaradam/Jaura where dacoits surrendered to the Lok Nayak. Building a J.P. Memorial Public Library in the Gole Market area, the maintenance of which would be subsequently taken up by the New Delhi Municipal Council. Production of a full length film on Lok Nayak’s life. Naming the National Mission for Development of Wasteland and Natural Resources after Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan. Setting up of an Institute of Criminology through the Ministry of Home Affairs. Setting up of a Kidney-cum-Cancer Hospital/Unit through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The existing Prabhavati Devi Memorial Intermediate College would be upgraded to the Degree level, wherein preference would be given to employment-oriented courses and computer training etc. a hostel for 30 students ad a separate set of rooms for the Warden would be constructed. 7 staff quarters and a house for the Principal would also be built. Furniture and other establishment items would be provided to the existing college. About 5000 books suitable for students would be purchased through Raja Ram Mohan Roy Foundation for the existing small library, which would also be available to the students of the college. A Librarian would also be posted. For meeting subsequent expenditure for running the college, a contribution of Rs. 15 lakh in shape of corpus would be made available. At Shaheed Smarak park which is being developed near Balia, a documentation-cum-history centre, tobe known as Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan Research and Documentation Centre, would be constructed/set up at a cost of Rs. 1.00 crore. In the same complex, a good part of the wasteland exists, which would be reclaimed/developed/aforesaid under the project to be known as Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan Waste Land Development Project at a cost not exceeding rupees one crore.

These functions and programmes and others that may be chalked out further would undoubtedly enable us too pay our humble tribute to Lok Nayak, but the best respect that we can pay to his life and work is to always keep in mind what he said 37 years ago: "Politics, at least under a democracy, must know the limits it may not cross. Otherwise, if there is dishonesty, corruption, manipulation, of the masses, naked struggle for personal power and personal gain, there can be no socialism, no welfarism, no government, no public order, no justice, no freedom, no national unity – in short no nation".