8th October, 2002
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution  


According to the findings of the Team deputed by the Ministry of Food for enquiring into the reported starvation deaths in Orissa, the deaths occurred not due to starvation. The Government of India had deputed the four member team to Orissa on 1st September, 2002 to enquire into the causes of deaths reported in the media as starvation deaths and to assess the working of Public Distribution System in these areas. The team had close interaction with some of the family members of the deceased in Rayagada and Keonjhar Districts of Orissa besides the neighbours and surpunch of the respective Gram Panchayats.

As regards the death of the 35 year old Triveni Pidikaka of Gajakupalli village, from the factual information as gathered from the family of the deceased, it is learnt that the death might have been due to prolonged illness(malarial fever) and not because of starvation. The circumstantial evidence and the statements of the family members regarding the deaths of two children of Kuladera village of Keonjhar District, also indicate that the deaths were not due to starvation. The family had drawn 26 kgs. of rice from the Fare Price Shops(FPS) during August, 2002(16 kg. against July quota and 10 kg. against August quota).

The Antyodaya Anna Yojana(AAY) was launched in Rayagada District in September, 2001 under which the identified families are supplied 35 kgs. of foodgrains @ Rs. 2/- per kg. wheat and Rs. 3/- per kg. rice. The PDS in the KBK districts of which Rayagada is a part is run through Gram Panchayats. Adequate quantity of foodgrains of Fair Average Quality were found available at the FPSs by the enquiry team. But the major shortcoming noticed by the team was the practice of mortgaging of ration cards by poor families for borrowing money from village money lenders and thereby denying themselves access to the subsidised foodgrains supplied under PDS. It was also found that the Government of Orissa is yet to increase the scale of issue of foodgrains upto 35 kg. per family per month.

The Government of Orissa has been advised to look into these shortcomings in the PDS at the earliest and take appropriate measures to eliminate any exploitation of the poor families and misuse of the PDS. The State Government has since been intimated that requisite steps are being taken at their end.