4th October, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has issued Public Notice No. 38 dated 4th October, 2002 laying down the procedure for allocation of quota for import of milk powder, maize, crude sunflower seed or safflower oil and refined rape, colza or mustard oil, at concessional rate of duty under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) mechanism. Department of Revenue has already notified the same vide the Notification No. 21/2002 dated 1st March, 2002.

Ten thousand (10,000) metric tonnes of milk powder has been allowed at a concessional duty of 15%. Applications for allocation of the quota for the milk powder can be made on behalf of Actual Users by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), State Trading Corporation (STC), National Cooperative Dairy Federation (NCDF), National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (NAFED), Mineral & Metals Trading Corporation (MMTC). Projects & Equipment Corporation of India Limited (PEC) and Spices Trading Corporation Limited (STCL).

Four lakh and fifty thousand (4,50,000) metric tonnes of maize (corn) has been allowed to be imported at a concessional duty of 15%. Applications for allocation of the quota for the maize (corn) can be made by NAFED, STC, MMTC, PEC, STCL and State Cooperative Marketing Federations on behalf of Actual Users.

One lakh and fifty thousand (1,50,000) metric tonnes of crude sunflower seed or safflower oil has been allowed to be imported at a concessional duty of 50%. Applications for allocation of the quota for the crude sunflower seed or safflower oil can be made on behalf of Actual users by NDDB, NAFED, STC, STCL and Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC).

One lakh and fifty thousand (1,50,000) metric tonnes of refined rape, colza or mustard oil has been allowed to be imported at a concessional duty of 45%. Applications for allocation of the quota for the refined rape, colza or mustard oil can be made on behalf of Actual Users by NDDB, NAFED, STC, STCL and CWC.

These agencies have to make imports only on behalf of actual users. They have to make applications to the Exim Facilitation Committee (EFC) in the DGFT in the pro-forma annexed to this Public Notice along with the documents prescribed therein. The applications for the allocation of TRQ has to be made on or before 17/10/2002.


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