27th November, 2002
\Ministry of Home Affairs \  



It is the primary responsibility of the State Governments to modernize their police forces. However, to supplement the efforts of the State Governments, the Centre has been implementing a Non-plan Scheme for Modernization of the State Police Forces since 1969-70. Assistance under the Scheme is given for construction of Police Stations/Outposts, Police housing, training buildings, purchase of equipment for communication, security, intelligence, forensic science, weaponry etc. Funds are released on the basis of 50% loan and 50% grant-in-aid. The State Governments are required to provide an equal amount as matching contribution. During the period 1969-70 to 1979-80, an amount of Rs. 5224.00 lakhs and during 1980-81 to 1999-2002, another sum of Rs.48450.00 lakhs was released to the State Governments. The Scheme has been revised since 2000-01, increasing the Central annual allocation to Rs.100000.00 lakhs from Rs.20000.00 lakhs. Rs.100000.00 lakhs each was released during 2000-01 and 2001-02 respectively to the States.

Besides the above Scheme, on account of special circumstances prevailing in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the State Government is being reimbursed amount under security Related Expenditure which inter-alia, includes reimbursements for purchase of arms/ammunition, vehicles, security and communication equipment etc. An amount of Rs.6740.00 lakhs, Rs.10547.00 lakhs, Rs.8834.00 lakhs and Rs. 10335.00 lakhs was given to Government of J&K during 1998-99 to 2001-02. During 2002-03, upto 31-07-2002 an amount of Rs.137.00 lakh was released to the State Government of Jammu and Kashmir under this Scheme.

Further, a separate Sceheme to modernize the police forces of the North-Eastern States is also being implemented since 1997-98 under which assistance is given in kind. The items include BP vehicles, communication and security equipment and weaponry. During the period 1997-98 to 2001-02 assistance in kind to the tune of Rs.21107.00 lakhs was given to these States. During 2002-03, upto 31-0702002, an amount of Rs. 580.37 lakhs was released under this Scheme.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Home, Shri I.D. Swami in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.
