26th November, 2002
Ministry of Urban Development  



The Government employees do not get Government Accommodation specially in Type – II, Type – III and Type – IV even after 15 years of service. The waiting is due to a large number of Government employees eligible for Government accommodation falling in these categories.

As on 20.11.2002 the running date of priority for general pool accommodation in Delhi is for Type – I :13.01.1992 and for Type – II : 11.08.1979.

As a matter of policy, priority is generally accorded to construction of lower type quarters. During the last three years i.e. 1999-2000, 2000-2001 out of 2165 units constructed under GPRA all over the country, 966 units were of Type – I and Type – II.

In Delhi number of flats constructed during each of the last three years is :

1999-2000 - Nil

2000-2001 - 72 (Type-IV), 42 (Type-V)

2001-2002 - 158 (Type-V)

This information was given by Shri O. Rajagopal, Minister of State for Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.