26th November, 2002
Ministry of Steel  


The website of the Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL), www.sail.co.in has been ranked third among the websites of the major steel producers of the world. This was announced at the second annual website competition organized by the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) during its recent 36th annual conference in Rome.

POSCO of Korea and BHP Steel of Australia were ranked first and second in the same competition. The other Indian participant to feature among the award winners was Tata Steel, which was ranked 14th.

SAIL occupied 15th rank in the same competition last year. It has added a number of interesting features on its website in the intervening period to make it more attractive, informative and interactive. Corporate brochure, product catalogues, video films of the producing plants, white paper, wall paper and wall sheet are some of the latest downloadable features added to the website. Recently, SAIL launched a monthly e-newsletter, SAILMail, mainly for its customers. Besides, the design and layout of the home page has been upgraded to attract a larger number of visitors to the website.