22nd November, 2002
Ministry of Human Resources Development  


The Indian Government will send a team, comprising officers from the Ministries of Human Resource Development and Science & Technology, to Afghanistan to study the grassroot requirements in the education sector in that country. The team will be constituted and will be sent shortly. Besides, the Afghan Embassy officers stationed in Delhi can hold detailed meetings with HRD Ministry’s officials to work out some concrete, structured help in the education sector for Afghanistan. This was stated by Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, Union Minister for HRD and S&T while holding talks with Mohd. Yonus Qanooni, Minister of Education and Advisor on Internal National Security Affairs, Afghanistan, here today. The Minister made this announcement while responding to the Afghan Minister’s request for comprehensive and wide ranging help in the education sector from India.

Regarding the Afghan request for English language teachers from India, Dr. Joshi said that a time frame can be worked out to send such teachers to Afghanistan. Before sending these teachers, they will have to be sensitized towards the customs and practices in Afghanistan. The Afghan Minister also made a request for providing scholarships for Afghan students in India, to which also Dr. Joshi said that the Ministry would try and work something out.

Dr. Joshi told the Afghan delegation that one pressing need that they had spoken about, i.e. paucity of text-books, can be dealt with very soon. Text-books of the National Institute of Open Learning which are available in Urdu, can be provided to them. The Afghans would be comfortable with these books as they will be in the same script as they use. The Minister added that if the Afghans like these books, they can be printed in bulk and made available very soon and in all probability, at a much lower cost. Dr. Joshi also reacted positively to the Afghan request for training of teachers in India, saying that modalities for this could be worked out easily.