21st November, 2002
Ministry of Railways  



The Ministry of Railways has not diverted any money from the Special Railway Fund for other purposes, including development of newly created railway zones.

The works to be undertaken from the Special Railway Safety Fund (SRSF) have been identified by a Selected Committee set up by the Ministry. There are explicit instructions to the Railways to spend the money available under SRSF on the identified works of safety only and no diversion/reappropriation is permissible from the works charged to SRSF, not even for creation of new zones.

The "Safety Surcharge" on passengers has been levied with effect from 1st October,last year. The ‘Safety Surcharge’ collected during the year 2001-2002 (1.10.2001 to 31.3.2002) was Rs.304.86 crore and in the year 2002-03 (1.04.2002 to August 2002), Rs. 249.96 crore have been collected. The Special Railway Safety Fund(SRSF) was set up and operated with effect from 1st October 2001. The actual expenditure(net) out of SRSF, during the year 2001-2002 was RS.1434.28 crore against an allocation of Rs.1400 crore in the revised estimate for that year. In the year 2002-03(Budget Estimate) a net amount of Rs.2210 crore has been provided under SRSF. The total money available under SRSF will be spent on the identified works only to ensure safety of train operations, which will be in the interest of both passengers and freight.

The works under track Renewal, Signalling , Bridge Works, Machinery and Plant Rolling Stock as well as other safety enhancement works identified by the Select Committee for funding through SRSF, which are still in progress, have been listed in the Budget document titled Works, Machinery and Rolling Stock Programme for 2002-03, Part III or the "Green Book".

To ensure proper utilization of the Fund, as extensive mechanism for monitoring progress of the works under SRSF has been put in place. The works to be funded through the SRSF have been listed in the ‘Green Book’. The monitoring scheme as approved by the Government envisages periodic monitoring at different levels, viz. at divisional level (monthly); by General Managers of Zonal Railways (every two months); by the Railway Board (every six months); and at the inter-ministerial level (once a year).

This information was given by Shri Bandaru Dattattraya, Minister of State for Railways in a written reply to a question by S/shri Ramesheth Thakur; A.Venkatesh Naik, Ashok.N.Mohol, Bikash Chowdhury and Moinul Hassan in the Lok Sabha today.