5th November, 2002
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  


The Labour Minister Dr. Sahib Singh has said that at least 50 labour laws would be amended as there is a need for change. Addressing a Press Conference here today, Dr. Sahib Singh advocated a single legislation which could incorporate welfare and security for workers in the unorganised sector. He said that multiplicity of laws and schemes hinder their effective implementation. Dr. Sahib Singh said that devising an umbrella legislation for unorganised sector would be discussed at a two day National Seminar on Unorganised Sector on 7th and 8th of this month. The other two issues of the Seminar would be provision of Social Security in the unorganised sector and skill upgradation. Representatives of Trade Unions, Employers, Central and State Governments, NGOs and Academicians and Experts would participate in the Seminar.

The Labour Minister said that one of the ways to tackle the issue of social security in the unorganised sector could be by expanding and strengthening the existing institutional mechanism of Employees Provident Fund and Employees State Insurance. He said that many of the occupations that are not covered under organised sector should be brought within its ambit. On skill upgradation, Dr. Sahib Singh said that it is paramount for increasing the productivity in the unorganised sector and also sustain their employability. It would also help workers to shift from the unorganised to the organised sector. Answering a question on the identification of workers in the unorganised sector for purposes of social security, the Minister said that they would be reached through associations and we have already talked to some of them. On EPF interest rate Dr. Sahib Singh said that the Labour Ministry has no problem in giving 9.5% rate to EPF subscribers on their deposits at present.


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