5th November, 2002
Ministry of Agriculture  


A two-day National Seminar on "Methodological Issues in the Fixation of Minimum Support Prices" is being organized by the Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP) here on Wednesday. Union Minister for Agriculture Shri Ajit Singh will inaugurate the Seminar. It will be attended by a number of leading agricultural economists, Members of Parliament, representative farmers and farmers’ organizations and senior officials of the Union and State Governments. Distinguished agricultural economist, Prof. Y.K. Alagh will deliver the keynote address.

The Seminar will discuss the appropriateness of the methodology currently followed by CACP and the Union Government in recommending/fixing the Minimum Support Prices (MSP). The issues to be re-examined in detail include the assignment of weightage to various factors in the fixation of minimum support prices, the question of providing remunerative price to farmers in an uncertain market situation, hazards of linking MSPs with market prices and rationale of fixing one MSP for all regions. The Seminar will also discuss the role of MSPs in promoting agricultural diversification, rationale of using existing cost concepts in the fixation of MSPs, ensuring effective price support to all commodities and the crop and region specific problems of farmers in the context of cost and pricing.

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