1st November, 2002
Ministry of Law & Justice  


Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for development of infrastructural facilities for judiciary in the States and Union Territories a cumulative amount of Rs. 850 crores has been incurred till March 31, 2002. Of this, 50 per cent expenditure has been borne by the States.

The CSS launched in 1993-94, has since helped augment construction of court rooms, residences of judges, judicial officers of High Courts, subordinate judiciary, computerization of High Courts including establishment of facilitation centre or inquiry centre in remaining High Courts, computerization in High Courts, extension of buildings of High Courts especially of the three newly created High Courts of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal.

During the Tenth Plan, a sum of Rs. 1400 crores has been provided under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for augmentation of judiciary in States and Union Territories. Of this, Rs. 700 crore will be the Central share and the remaining matching sum incurred by the States.

The CSS excludes the expenditure on the 1734 Fast Track Courts at the sessions court level being set up all over the country under a cent per cent funding package of Rs. 502.90 crores by the Centre.