28th, June, 2002
Ministry of Agriculture  


The Inter-Ministerial Task Force on Agricultural Marketing Reforms today presented its Report to the Union Agriculture Minister, Shri Ajit Singh outlining several measures for strengthening agricultural marketing system in the country.

The Task Force suggested that the marketing system in the country needs to be revitalised to benefit the farming community from the new global market access opportunities, to foster true competition among the market players and to enhance the share of farmers in the ultimate price of his agricultural produce. It has recommended several legislative reforms in the State Agriculture Produce Marketing Regulation Act (APMC Act) and the Essential Commodities Act (EC Act), to remove restrictive provisions impeding development of an efficient and competitive marketing system, for promotion of direct marketing, for encouraging contract farming and for rationalisation of market fee/tax structure. It also suggested Deregulation of the marketing system to promote investment in market infrastructure, motivating corporate sector to undertake direct marketing and to facilitate a national integrated market.

The Task Force has identified appropriate legal changes for introduction of a negotiable warehousing receipt system for agricultural commodities with a view to enhancing institutional lending to the agricultural marketing sector. To help farmers avoid distress sales immediately after the harvest, the Task Force has recommended to substantially step up pledge financing to a level of Rs.7,000 crore by the year 2007 from the present level of Rs.1200 crores. In respect of high value crops, it recommended raising the ceiling of pledge loan from the existing Rs.1 lakh to Rs.5 lakh against pledge/hypothecation to a farmer.

The report has also recommended amendment to the Forward Contract (Regulation) Act, 1952 to allow futures trading in all agricultural commodities to improve price risk management and facilitate price discovery to enable farmers to decide on a profitable cropping pattern. Alongside development of competitive trade in major agricultural commodities, the Task Force has also recommended that an ‘Income Support Programme’ for the farmers to protect their income.

The Task Force has recommended extensive promotion of information technology in agricultural marketing sector to provide market-led extension services to farmers and other market functionaries and to create facility of electronic trading to enable producers to directly transact business with distant buyers.

The Task Force has estimated an investment requirement of Rs.12230 crores for the development of marketing, storage and cold storage infrastructure in the country during the X Plan Period. The Task Force has recommended setting up of a Committee to monitor implementation of its recommendations in a time bound manner to ensure that agricultural markets in the country achieve nationwide integration in the shortest possible period.

Earlier, An Expert Committee in its report had suggested a number of legislative reforms as well as reorientation of policies and programmes handled by various Ministries and Departments of the Central and State Governments for development and strengthening of agricultural marketing in the country. As a follow up, the Government decided to constitute the Inter-Ministerial Task Force to examine the recommendations and suggest measures for implementing them in an effective manner. The Task Force was constituted on 4th July, 2001 under the Chairmanship of Shri R.C.A. Jain, Additional Secretary of the Central Department of Agriculture and Cooperation. It had representatives from various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India such as Consumer Affairs, Legal Affairs, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Food & Public Distribution, Food Processing Industries, Planning Commission, Finance and Commerce. Institutions like RBI, NABARD and NDDB were also represented in the Task Force.

Receiving the report, Shri Ajit Singh said that as per the latest estimate, Agriculture Sector has shown a growth rate of over 6% during 2001-02. He said that India has not only achieved spectacular growth in case of food grains but it has also achieved good growth in case of horticultural produce. Terming the submission of the report as timely, Shri Singh said that the Centre would soon call a meeting of the Agriculture Ministers of States/UTs to deliberate on these recommendations and for their early implementation. He said that India has become an Agricultural power and the developed countries at the World Food Summit recently have acknowledged this fact. He said that Government will create favourable conditions for easy marketing of agricultural produce inside and outside the country.