20th June, 2002
Ministry of Environment & Forests  


The Ministry of Environment and Forests, in association with the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) is sponsoring Orientation Workshops on Integrating Environmental management in the curriculum of Management Schools for the faculty of AICTE approved institutions. These workshops would aim at sensitizing the faculty who, in turn, will have to sensitize the student-managers in matters concerning environmental issues. It would also fulfil the commitment made by the Government to the Supreme Court in a public interest litigation "M.C.Mehta Vs. Union of India." The Ministry has identified the Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Ghaziabad, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad and the IIM, Bangalore as Resource Centres for conducting these workshops, preparing study materials and for faculty development in the area of Environmental Management. This is for the first time that the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Academia, Corporate Sector, NGOs and the AICTE are coming together to deliberate on issues concerning the role of each sector in managing the problems of environmental damage and resource depletion. It may be recalled that the Corporate sector has an important role in this matter because they create many environmental problems and the solution also thereby lies with them.