7th June, 2002
Ministry of Communications  


TRAI today provided the Government with its suo motu Recommendations on licensing of ‘Receive only VSAT’ Service. The Authority is of the opinion that ‘Receive only VSATs’ can provide a useful means to spread services such as Tele-education, Tele-Medicine, Information (newspaper on-line), and social education to the remote areas in the country and facilitate the efforts of the government in bridging the Digital Divide.

The main recommendations are as under:

1 Need for a separate category of license

The TRAI after careful examination has come to the conclusion that there is need for a separate category of license for ‘ Receive only VSATs’. Keeping in view the differences between the two-way VSATs and Receive only VSATs both in terms of capability and target market segments the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, has recommended a separate category of license for ‘Receive Only VSAT Service’.

2 Recommendations on the terms & conditions of the license:

I) Scope of Services and maximum data rate

The tele-services that ‘Receive only VSAT’ can provide will depend upon the limitation on bandwidth. Keeping in view the demand for new broadband applications, a maximum bandwidth of 2 Mbps per downlink has been recommended for ‘Receive only VSAT’ category.

  1. Type of License
  2. While making its recommendations for issuing licenses for "Receive only VSAT", TRAI has introduced the concept of a new type of license namely Class License. A class license establishes a set of general conditions, which are widely publicised amongst the class of service providers/companies concerned. Any service provider/company may participate in the activities under the class license on the stipulated terms and conditions provided they comply with the terms and conditions in this category of license. TRAI is of the view that licenses for services such as "Receive only VSATs" should be given freely and, therefore, in its opinion licensing of such activities would be done best by way of class licenses. This approach, TRAI believes, will help in introducing administrative simplicity and encourage quicker roll out of these services.

  3. Period of license
  4. The license for Receive only VSATs be granted for a period of ten years in the beginning and be extended after carrying out a review of license fee based on profitability and roll out obligations met.

  5. Number of licenses
  6. The number of licensees will depend upon the spectrum availability. Assuming that each licensee may utilise a 2 Mbps channel, transponder allocation can be carried out suitably on a first come first serve basis.

  7. Entry Fees
  8. As ‘Receive only VSAT’ is a new service, for which a market will need to be created and also the fact that there is a need to promote roll out of these services in the rural / remote areas, a low entry fee of Rs 5 Lakhs has been recommended by TRAI.

  9. Roll Out Obligation
  10. The licensee may start service using his own hub / hub hired from VSAT Service providers/ hub hired from infrastructure provider, within a period of one year of grant of license. In addition, a performance bank guarantee of Rs 2 lakhs may be taken from the service providers to be encashed if the roll out obligations is not met.

  11. Sharing of Infrastructure
  12. In order to economise on the cost of providing service and to encourage innovation, Receive only VSAT Service Providers be allowed to lease / hire uplink streams of nX2 Mbps capacity from VSAT Service Providers and Infrastructure Providers to provide this service.

  13. License Fees
  14. A nominal license fee amounting to 5% of its Adjusted Gross revenue is recommended for the first three years. This would go towards Universal Service Contribution and may be reviewed after this period.

  15. Transponder and WPC Charges
  16. The transponder and WPC Charges as applicable for using space segment and frequencies shall be applicable. However, to promote "Receive only VSATs" especially for social applications like Tele-education, Tele- medicine etc., it is recommended that WPC charges for "Receive only VSAT" terminals be waived off.

  17. Interconnection with other networks
  18. The ‘Receive only VSAT’ Service Providers should be permitted to have leased lines connecting to the content providers on the transmit side provided the terminal at the content provider end is standalone. Interconnection to other public telecom networks should not be permitted except Internet, which may be permitted for access to content on ‘case to case basis’.

  19. Monitoring and Security Conditions

The Monitoring and Security considerations as applicable to VSAT may also be made applicable to Receive only VSAT Service Providers.

(Detailed recommendations are available at our web site www.trai.gov.in)