29th July, 2002
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Science & Technology and Ocean Development  



Mongolia, a traditionally old friend of India with ethnic, cultural and linguistic similarities, bestowed today in Ulan-bator, its top honour the ‘Friendship Medal’ on Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi, the Minister for Human Resource Development, Science and Technology and Ocean Development. The award was conferred on Dr. Joshi by the Mongolian President Mr. N. Bagabandi at a special ceremony coinciding with the birth anniversary celebrations of Chengis Khan. The award is in recognition of Dr. Joshi’s contribution towards promoting and strengthening the age-old ties, friendship and cooperation among the two countries.

Conferring the award, Mr. Bagabandi said, it is a fitting tribute not only to Dr. Joshi but also India which has been a stead-fast friend and partner. He expressed the confidence that in the time to come Indo-Mongolian cooperation and friendship will grow from strength to strength to attain new heights, in today’s era of globalisation. The Mongolian President has specially invited Dr. Joshi to the State Banquet he is hosting on the occasion of Chengis Khan birth anniversary celebrations.

Accepting the award with humility, Dr. Joshi assured the Mongolian President that India will continue to do all possible especially in the area of human resource development in Mongolia. He said India is planning to go global in higher education and proposes to set up Indian universities abroad during the Tenth Five-year Plan. A policy framework for such educational ventures is presently being worked out, to promote Indian education abroad. Setting up of Indian universities in Mongolia is also on the agenda, Dr. Joshi said.

India and Mongolia with deep commitment to environment, can usher in a new century of the ‘soft power’ of cultural and ecological concerns, Dr. Joshi pointed out. It was in March last during the visit of the Mongolian Minister of Education, Science and Culture Mr. A. Tsanjid, the two countries agreed to maintain the age-old traditions in the face of globalisation. Under the treaty of friendly relations signed in 1994 Dr. Joshi said that both the countries will work closely within the framework of the United Nations and other international organisations, to promote peace and global security. He assured the Mongolian President that the A.B. Vajpayee Centre of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology will soon start shining as a symbol of Indo-Mongolian friendship in Ulan-bator.