18th July, 2002
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways  



A statement has appeared in a section of Press on 18th July, 2002 on the subject of CNG bus catching fire on 17th July, 2002 in Civil Lines area of New Delhi. The news item incorrectly mentions that the updated CNG norms notified on 19th November, 2001 would come into force from 19th November of this year. It is clarified that these norms have already come into force from 19th May, 2002. It is further clarified that the manufacturers of conversion kits, who had got their kits certified under the older CNG Notification of 9th February, 2002 have been allowed a lead time of six months to get their kits retested for compliance with the new norms. It is further clarified that the safety norms for CNG have been available from 9 February 2000 itself. Enforcement of the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act and Rules is done by the State Government concerned.