18th July, 2002
Ministry of Power  


The Minister of Power, Shri Suresh Prabhu chaired the 5th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP) here on July 16th.

The APDRP Monitoring Committee approved sub-transmission and distribution project proposals worth Rs.1196 crore covering 105 towns all over the country. The APDRP fund component in this would be Rs.654 crore approximately. The Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and the Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) would provide matching funds as loans in case the State Government or the utilities are unable to raise funds on their own or through their internal resources. The Committee also approved taking up 167 towns in the next phase.

It was also decided to establish a Reliability Index for all towns. To start with State capitals and towns and APDRP will be covered. Later on this would be expected to cover all towns having population above one lakh.

The Committee also decided that PFC and REC will release funds in advance to the utilities and the State Governments for execution of its projects to expedite implementation.

It was also decided that PFC and REC will provide finance to utilities without insisting for government guarantees, provided the State governments or the utilities are willing to escrow their revenues from the specific town or circle in which the project is implemented. This would benefit the State governments and utilities in reducing the overall cost of implementation.

The Monitoring Committee also approved projects for all 63 Distribution Circles amounting to Rs.4241.20 crore. Implementation of the programme in these circles will be in a phased manner. In the first phase, it will concentrate on towns in order to ensure quick results and generation of immediate returns, which would help to reduce the aggregate technical and commercial losses. This should also enable the SEB to generate surplus which could be utilized for improving the distribution network of the specific distribution circle in the second phase.

An Incentive Scheme was also approved for SEBs to reduce cash losses. The financial year 2000-01 has been identified as the base year for reviewing performance of SEBs and improvements thereon will be incentivised. The reduction in cash losses will be determined net of tariff increases, additional generation/import of power and additional cost of inputs. This scheme is expected to motivate not only utilities but also state governments to sustain and accelerate the reform process and turn around the SEBs in the next 3-5 years. The incentive would be on a one-to-one matching basis. The SEBs could utilize this incentive to meet their liabilities, establish pension funds, VRS, interest liability and supplement internal resources for undertaking capital expenditure in strengthening of sub-transmission and distribution networks.

APDRP Monitoring Committee also decided to institute an Award Scheme for "Best Performance on Distribution Network". Rs.5 crore has been provided for this and the performance of utilities for the year 2001-02 will be taken into account. The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) would administer the award scheme.

The Committee appreciated the preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) by NTPC and Power Grid and their Advisor-cum-Consultants. It also decided that feasibility reports should be prepared for the remaining circles by the end of December 2002, in order to identify the actual investment required in the distribution sector. These reports are expected to establish bench marks to attract investments in the power sector. This work will be done by CEA in coordination with NTPC and Power Grid.

It was also decided that a mandatory post-project audit would be carried out by CEA. The audit will audit the benefits stated in DPRs with actual benefits accrued.

A Steering Committee under the chairmanship of Secretary(Power) has also been constituted for expeditious approval of project schemes/DPRs.

The Committee noted that the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Mizoram and Tamil Nadu have signed Memorandum of Agreements agreeing to be reviewed against pre-determined milestones and benchmark parameters to improve the financial health of utilities and provide quality supply of power.

The Committee appreciated the decision taken to get the utilities rated by independent rating agencies like CRISIL and ICRA for independent evaluation of reform process in the power sector and financial viability of utilities.