18th July, 2002
Ministry of Culture and Tourism  


The Ministry of Culture will be spending Rupees 2.00 crore for upgrading Buddhist monastries and restoring the Leh Palace. This was stated by Shri Jagmohan, Union Minister for Culture and Tourism, while inaugurating the Photo Exhibition of Shri Prabir Purkayastha on Ladakh, organised by National Institute for Ladakhi Art and Culture at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, yesterday evening.

Shri Jagmohan said "The scenic beauty of Ladakh is unique. It has the fascination of stillness. Its barren and rugged grandeur creates an impact of its own. The vast nothingness simply grips the mind. It symbolizes the vast unknown reality of human existence." He congratulated Shri Purkayastha for capturing all attributes of this unique landscape. He hoped that the exhibition would stimulate interest in Lakadhi art and culture and also promote tourism to the region.

Shri Jagmohan indicated that the major Buddhist monasteries of Hamis, Thiksey, Alchi, Lamayuru, Phyang, and Lakir were being given special resotration/ conservation treatment. Their environment was also being improved.

As regards Leh Palace, it occupies a commanding height but, at present, is in bad shape. Work of its restoration and conservation has begun in a big way and Rupees 1.00 crore sanctioned for the purpose. The monument will be lit at night.

A big Cultural Cntre at a cost of about Rs. 3.5 crore is also being made at Leh.