18th July, 2002
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation  



As on 31st March, 2002, there are 32 projects which have not been able to progress due to various reasons after incurring an expenditure of Rs. 1020.79 crore. These projects have been frozen, abandoned or merged with other projects.

The existing guidelines for the monitoring system for projects, inter alia, contains the following provisions:

  1. Adoption of milestone monitoring for all projects (milestones drawn from PERT charts).
  2. Quarterly performance review of all projects, implemented through the Public Sector Enterprises and their subsidiaries by the Secretary of administrative Ministry/Department concerned.
  3. Review of departmental projects by the Empowered Committee headed by the Secretary of the Ministry/Department to resolve the problems encountered in implementation, including contractual impediments.
  4. Site visits of projects facing constraints by the Ministries concerned.
  5. Special review of identified projects by the Standing Committee of Secretaries to resolve inter-ministerial problems.

This information was given in Rajya Sabha today by Minister of State for Statistics and Programme Implementation, Shri Vijay Goel in reply to a question by Shri R.P. Goenka.