16th July, 2002
Ministry of Culture, Youth Affairs & Sports  




Shri Vijay Kumar Malhotra has been appointed as the Chairman of the All India Council of Sports. Shri Malhotra will have the rank of a Cabinet Minister.

The Council is being set up to promote sports activities. There have been suggestions that India should plan to host international level sport events. The proposals are under consideration for bidding for the Commonwealth Games and the Olympic Games 2012. In this background the setting up of the All India Council of Sports assumes significance and it will advise the Government on preparations for holding such mega sports events, as the organisation of such games requires sustained campaign at international level so as to create an opinion among international sports organisations in favour of India.

The objective of the Council is better coordination between sports bodies and the Sports Ministry.

The Council will also advise the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports on steps to implement National Sports Policy on issues pertaining to functioning of National Sports Federation and effective functioning of State sports academies. As the Government is emphasising on the need to go for self-financing in organising sports activities, the Council will also suggest way and means to raise resources. The other objectives are following:

  1. To advise the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports on matters relating to preparation of national teams for multi-disciplinary international events.
  2. To advise on policies, which affect the participation of Indian, teams abroad.
  3. To advise on ways and means to maximise the medal prospects of the Indian contingent in Olympic games and other major international championships.
  4. To advise on matters relating to prevention of drug abuse in sports.
  5. To advise on issues arising out of match fixing and other malpractices in competitive sports.
  6. To advise on ways and means to promote indigenous games in the country.
  7. To advise on issues and matters specifically referred to the Council by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

The Council with its headquarters in Delhi will also have two Vice-Presidents. They are Shri Abhay Chautala, Vice-Chairman, Indian Olympic Association and Shri Adityan, Ex.President, Indian Olympic Association. Four Members from Lok Sabha and two from Rajya Sabha will be its Members. The other Members would be Secretary in the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Director General, Sports Authority of India, Joint Secretary(Sports) in the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Joint Secretary(Coordination) in the Ministry of External Affairs, Secretary General, Association of Indian Universities, three ex-international sports persons, five eminent sports persons and a representative from Indian industry.

The term of all members except ex-officio shall be three years provided that government may terminate of any members before completion of the said term and fill up the resultant vacancy with any other person.

The Council will be an Advisory Body and may meet from time to time, at least once in a quarter.

Before it was dismantled in 1984 the Council was headed by luminaries like Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa and Field Marshal Sam Maneckshaw.

Professor Malhotra a senior BJP leader is a Member of Parliament from South Delhi Lok Sabha constituency. He has been associated with the sports for the past more than four decades. He had been the Vice-President of Indian Olympic Association and Chef De Mission of the Indian contingent to Asian Games held in Tehran in 1974. He is also the President of Indian Archery Association.