16th July, 2002
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas  




Shri Ram Naik, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha, today informed that the consumer prices of petrol, diesel, PDS Kerosene and domestic LPG were increased only once during 2000-01, with effect from 30th September 2000. During the year 2001-02, while no increase was effected in the prices of petrol and diesel, the prices of PDS Kerosene and domestic LPG were increased only once with effect from 1st March 2002. However, during the year 2000-01, the prices of PDS Kerosene and domestic LPG were reduced once, with effect from 22nd November, 2000. Further, during the year 2001-02, the prices of domestic LPG were reduced once, with effect from 17th March 2002, and those of petrol and diesel were reduced twice, with effect from 12th January 2002 and 1st March 2002.

Shri Naik further informed the House that with the dismantling of the Administered Pricing Mechanism (APM) effective 1st April 2002, the prices of all petroleum products, except for PDS Kerosene and Domestic LPG, which continue to be subsidised products, have become market-determined. The public sector oil companies are fixing the consumer prices after taking into consideration the prevalent international oil prices. With a view to facilitate smooth transition from the APM era to a free market scenario, the public sector oil companies did not increase the prices of petrol and diesel for the first two months of APM dismantling i.e. April and May 2002 despite an increase in the international prices. Further, with a view to contain the impact of increase in international prices on the domestic prices of petrol and diesel, the Government reduced the excise duty rates on these products by 2% with effect from the midnight of 3rd/4th June 2002.