11th July, 2002
Ministry of Urban Development  




Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Shri A. Raja has said that children and youth of the country can play a lead role in converting the awareness on population stabilisation into a spontaneous mass movement. He said that youth are the builders of the future in the country and we need to formalize interventions to include adolescents within the ambit of reproductive health programme. Shri Raja was addressing the gathering on the occasion of the World Population Day, here today.

The Minister stated that on this day in 1987, the World’s population crossed 5 billion mark. The India’s population has gone up to 1051 million which is a cause of concern. The country’s population increased by of 181 million people between 1991-2001 which is more than the population of Brazil, the fifth most populous nation in the world. Demographers estimate that by year 2050, India will overtake China and become the most populous country. Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state with 16.17% of India’s population followed by Maharashtra, which has 9.42% of the total population now. The population of Uttar Pradesh (166 million) is more than the estimated population of Pakistan. With 8.7% of the total population, Bihar occupies the third place.

The Minister later flagged off the population race in which nearly 5000 students from various schools and colleges took part. Famous dancer, Mrs. Shovana Narayan and the members of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) also participated in the run.

The World Population Day is an important event to spread the message of population stabilisation and developing healthy and well-educated society. To mark this day, population races involving 45,600 school children is being organised at 36 places in different states and union territories.