5th July, 2002
Ministry of Tourism  


An exciting programme of performing arts from India, Kala 2002 would be presented at Edinburgh Arts Festival in London and other venues across the U.K. this year. This would be first time participation by India in the main Edinburgh festival. Indian arts and culture will also be featured prominently in the Commonwealth Games in Manchester. The Indian arts presentations would take forward cultural collaborations between the UK and India, this was stated by the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Shri Jagmohan, today while launching Kala – 2002 as curtain raiser to the festival at British Council, New Delhi.

On the occasion, Shri Jagmohan said that it would be India’s privilege to participate in Edinburgh festival, one of the finest arts festival of the world. A festival of this nature brings out many exciting moments in which artistic activity gets a fresh creative impulse and also give rise to trends and attitudes which go to make a better world. He said, ancient India had a highly original and powerful mind which found expression in various forms of arts and literature and created vast treasure of culture.

Kala – 2002 is a presentation of contemporary and traditional performing arts. Over 150 Indian artists covering various art forms would participate in the presentation.