1st July, 2002
Ministry of Defence  


An infiltration bid was foiled by the Indian Army troops deployed in Kupwara Sector, in the early hours this morning. An ambush party in Keran Sector deployed about 400 meters on own side of the LoC detected the movement of terrorists. A fierce gun
battle ensued in which two terrorists were killed and a large quantity of war like material was recovered from the place of incident.

Pak Army assisted and supported this infiltration by resorting to heavy unprovoked shelling of posts along the LoC in the area of infiltration.

Seen in conjunction with the two earlier infiltration bids in Poonch Sector during the last one week and in view of the fact that for every infiltration bid foiled/detected, three to four others go undetected, it is evident that infiltration across the LoC goes on inspite of Pak promises to stop it.