23rd December, 2002
Ministry of Steel  


The Government has taken a number of steps to produce quality steel in the country to meet the competitions in global market. The quality of steel depends upon technology and raw materials used, operational expertise, innovative programmes and systems available in the respective steel plants.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) project has been undertaken with UNDP’s aid with a view to improving the efficiency of operation of the secondary sector, particularly the re-rolling sector and help it to become technically advanced. Several modernization, up-gradation and renovation progrmmes have been taken up for the steel industry in addition to the extensive in-house restructuring works undertaken by steel plants.

Successful import-substitution programmes have been undertaken with particular end-user sectors in mind. More stress is being placed on value added products. Increased use of computers, telecommunication and software as an integral part of the production process and quality improvement is another landmark development in the Indian steel industry.