20th December, 2002
Ministry of Human Resource Development  


Kazakhstan says it rejects all forms of religious fanaticism, extremism and terrorism. The world is fragile and societies can’t afford conflicts in the name of religion, said the Chairman of Religious administration of the Muslims of Kazakhstan and Senior Mufti Absattar Haji Derbissali here today at a meeting he had with the Minister for Human Resource Development and Science and Technology Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi. He said that Kazakhstan with a population of more than 70 percent Muslims follow moderate Islam and that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Condemning heinous acts in the name of religion, the Senior Mufti said exploitation of religion to achieve political ends has to be abandoned. Religious differences, if any, will have to be settled through dialogue, he stressed.

Agreeing with the Kazakh Muslim leader, Dr. Joshi said India always stood for religious tolerance and equal respect for all religions. It is a country of not one or two religions but of almost all religions in the world. He told the Senior Mufti that in the new curriculum, the basic teachings of various religions have been incorporated to make children grow up to be citizens with human values and live in harmony. Confluence of ideas will only lead to peaceful co-existence. He also told the Kazakh leader that today we are finding a different Islam in Pakistan while Sufi-ism and Vedanta teach the same thing. He wanted a joint study of the two peoples’ and their history to understand each other better.

The Kazakh leader is in India as a Member of Jury of the Fourth International Qira’at Quran Conference.