20th December, 2002
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  


The Information and Broadcasting Minister, Smt. Sushma Swaraj has said that the Government would consider providing more powers to the Press Council of India including the penal powers which the Council wants in order to enforce its decisions on offenders. She said the Government is also considering to set up an independent Broadcasting Regulatory Authority for the electronic media to check the onslaught on our culture, traditions and other undesirable telecasts. She invited suggestions from women organizations in this regard so that Government could take an overall view before arriving at a decision.

Inaugurating the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the All India Women’s Conference here today, Smt. Swaraj regretted that a large number of serials telecast mostly on private electronic channels are showing the women in a very derogatory manner as if women are always conspiring, quarrelling on small issues and indulging in intrigues. She said the advertisements both in print and electronic media are showing semi-nude pictures of women, treating woman as a commodity to boost the sale of different products. In films also women are either shown as submissive and meek or only as objects of pleasure. The struggling and successful aspects of women are not projected to inspire others, Smt. Swaraj regretted.

Smt. Swaraj also inaugurated a seminar on "Women and Media" and released a First Day Special Cover issued by the Postal Department on the Platinum Jubilee of AIWC. Prominent mediapersons who participated in the seminar included Smt. Usha Rai, S/Shri Rajdeep Sardesai, Prabhat Dabral and Deepak Chaurasia.