9th December, 2002
Ministry of Shipping  



The Ministry of Shipping has taken up the following projects for the development of Cochin Port during the last three years.

Reconstruction of Boat Train Pier (BTP) Jetty into a multi-purpose Jetty.

The port has completed the project of reconstruction of Boat Train Pier (BTP) jetty into a multi purpose at an estimated cost of Rs. 17 crores from Port’s internal resources in the year 2001, which can receive bulk carriers upto 35,000 DWT. The capacity addition on completion of this project was 0.5 million metric tonnes per annum.

Establishment of an International Container Transhipment Terminal (ICTT).

Tender for this work was invited in 1999. However, due to various reasons, it could not be finalised. Fresh tenders have been invited and the process of qualifying the bidders is in progress. Capacity addition with this project will be to the tune of 5 to 40 million tonnes per annum in phases.

Setting up of an International Bunkering Terminal under private participation.

Tender for this project was invited during 2001 and prequalification of bidders have been completed. Request for proposals (RFP) have been issued to short-listed bidders and due date of submission is December 13, 2002. It is expected that capacity addition with this project will be to the tune of 1 million tonnes per annum in the initial stage and can go upto 10 million tonnes per annum in the final stages.

Establishment of an LNG Terminal by the Promotors, M/s. Petronet LNG Ltd.

The Port has allotted about 40 acres of its land for establishment of an LNG Terminal. The selection of contractors has been completed by M/s Petronet and market tie-up for consumers is in progress. This terminal will handle about 2.5 million tonnes per annum initially and in the final stages it will handle about 5 million toner per annum of LNG.

This was stated by Shri Su. Thirunavukkarasar Minister of State for Shipping in a written reply to a question by Shri J. Chitharanjan in Rajya Sabha today.