9th December, 2002
Ministry of Shipping  



Jawaharlal Nehru Port at Navi Mumbai is the largest container port in India equiped with state-of-the-art cargo handling facilities with particular thrust on handling of containerized cargo. As per the information contained in the July, 2002 issue of "Cargo Systems", a U.K. based publication, Jawaharlal Nehru Port is in position no.40 amongst the top 100 Container Ports in the world.

Normally, only general cargo is containerisable since the liquid and solid cargoes are effectively handled and carried in bulk as it is economical and faster. The aggregate cargo handled by major ports during 2001-02 consisted of 53.46 MT general cargo of which 37.22 MT, including small parcels of dry bulk and liquid bulk cargoes also, representing about 70%, were shipped in containers.

The container handling capacity in major ports at the end of the Ninth Five Year Plan period in March, 2002 was 37.00 MTPA. During the Tenth Plan (2002-2007) period additional capacities at the major ports are envisaged to be created for container handling to the extent of 24.50 MTPA, mainly through private sector investment, to cope with the anticipated growth in container traffic.

This was stated by Shri Su. Thirunavukkarasar, Minister of State for Shipping in a written reply to a question by Shri Prem Chand Gupta in Rajya Sabha today.