2nd December, 2002
Ministry of Shipping  


Rajya Sabha

For improvement of draught in Hooghly estuary, Government has approved a proposal for execution of River Regulatory Measures at an estimated cost of Rs. 350.84 crores. The various components of the project include:

Capital Dredging over Jiggerkhali Flat including Rs. 263.83 crores

Construction of Dyke

Trimming of the western face of Nayachara Island Rs. 26.53 crores

Construction of a guide wall at the southern end of Rs. 41.10 crores

Nayachara Island

Bank Protection work between Sondia Column Rs. 16.64 crores

And the river Haldi

Instrumentation and Monitoring studies Rs. 2.74 crores

Tenders for the first two components, namely, `Capital dredging over Jiggerkhali flat including construction of duke’ and `Trimming of the western face of Nayachara Island’ were issued on five occasions as a single package but had to be dischared for various reasons such as modification of pre-qualification criteria, modification of financial turn over criteria of tenderers, non-availability of bidders with specified working experience using Geo-tubes for construction of dykes, apprehension of bidders regarding reasonableness of time limit for work. Due to its inability in freezing the techno-commercial deviations put forward by the bidders, Kolkata Port Trust has engaged National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai as consultant to review/refine the project in the light of present hydro-dynamic conditions of Hooghly estuary as well as to revise the technical part of the tender document after finalizing the recommendations. NIOT have already started the work of reviewing the scheme and their report is expected by the end of December, 2002. The contract packages for third and fourth components of the project, namely, `Construction of a guide wall as the southern end of Nayachara Island’ and `Bank Protection work between Sondia Column and the river Haldi’ are ready but it has been decided to defer placement of work order till the finalisation of first package to avoid any mismatch between major components of the work. As such, it is not possible to complete the project by May, 2003 as envisaged earlier. Expected date of completion of the project can be assessed after receiving the report of NIOT.

This was stated by Shri Su. Thirunavukkarasar in a written reply to a question by Shri Dipankar Mukherjee in Rajya Sabha today.