27th August, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


In the context of WTO negotiations on Anti-Dumping and Subsidies Agreements, the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, is organising a 2-day (28-29 August) National Seminar for obtaining inputs and suggestions that could be taken up by India during the negotiations. Shri Murasoli Maran, Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, will be inaugurating the National Seminar here tomorrow.

The Doha Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has provided for negotiations aimed at clarifying and improving disciplines under the Agreements on Anti-Dumping and Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, while preserving the basic concepts, principles and effectiveness of these Agreements. In the initial phase of the negotiations, participants are to indicate the provisions, including disciplines on trade distorting practices that they seek to clarify and improve in the subsequent phase.

These negotiations are currently being undertaken in the Negotiating Group on Rules (NG Rules). A decision has also been taken to organise four meetings of the Negotiating Group in the year 2002. While two meetings have been held on 6-8 May, 2002 and 8-10 July 2002, the remaining two meetings of the NG Rules would be held on 16-18 October 2002 and 25-27 November 2002.

The negotiations on WTO Rules affords an opportunity to address issues arising out of anti-dumping and countervailing duty action against our exports by seeking possible amendments in some of the provisions of the two agreements. At the same time, it would need to be ensured that the flexibility available to protect our domestic industry from injurious dumping is not curtailed.

The National Seminar would seek to identify specific provisions for amendments during the ongoing negotiations. Eminent experts and practitioners in the field of Anti-Dumping and Subsidies Agreements have been invited to make presentation during the National Seminar.