8th August, 2002
Ministry of Coal  


Since April 1, 2002 on the recommendations of the State Government of Andhra Pradesh, approval have been given by the Central Government for grant of 5 prospecting licences for diamond and other precious stones. In addition, approvals have been given by the Central Government for grant of 32 reconnaissance permits in favour of seven companies.

The National Mineral Policy (NMP) of 1993 recognised the need for encouraging private investment including foreign direct investment in mineral sector. As per the NMP, mining of 13 minerals (including diamond), hitherto reserved for exclusive exploitation through public sector has been thrown open for private investment. Any Indian National or a Company registered in India can undertake mining operation for diamond and precious stones. The Central Government has been urging the State Governments from time to time to pursue investor friendly policy to encourage investment in mineral sector including diamond and precious stones.

Under Section 10(3) of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 mineral concessions, including Prospecting licences are granted by the State Government concerned. However, proposals for prior approval of the Central Government for grant of mineral concessions for minerals specified in the First Schedule to the aforesaid Act originate from the respective State Governments and are processed and disposed of by the Central Government as per the provisions of Section 5(1) of the Act.

In the last two years besides Andhra Pradesh, reconnaissance permits for diamond and precious stones have been granted in the States of Karnataka, Orissa & Madhya Pradesh. Recently five proposals for grant of reconnaissance permits in the State of Chhattisgarh have also been approved in favour of subsidiary companies of M/s De Beers Consolidated Ltd. So far no diamond deposits or precious stone deposits have been reported in the areas under reconnaissance permits/prospecting licences.
