2nd August , 2002
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution  



Import of edible oils (other than copra/coconut oil) is under the Open General License. Government does not fix any target for import of edible oil. Such imports depend upon the demand supply position of edible oils in the country, international and domestic prices and the commercial judgement of the importers.

During the current oil year (November-October) till June, 2002, as per available information, crude sunflower oil has been imported from Argentina while canola/rapeseed oil has been imported from Canada.

There is a position for import of crude sunflower or sunflower oil upto an aggregate of 1.50 lakh MTs (Tariff Rate Quota) in 2002-2003 at a concessional customs duty of 50 per cent (against the normal duty of 75 per cent). Similarly, there is a provision for import of refined, rapeseed, colza or mustard oil upto an aggregate of 1.50 lakh MTs (Tariff Rate Quota) in 2002-2003 at a concessional customs duty of 45 per cent plus Special Additional Duty of 4 per cent (against the normal duty of 75 per cent plus Special Additional Duty of 4 per cent).

This information was given in the Lok Sabha today by Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Shri V. Sreenivasa Prasad in reply to a question of Shri Ananta Nayak.