2nd August , 2002
Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports  


In the 17th Commonwealth Games being held in Manchester, Indian has recorded its best ever show in any international event with a rich haul of 51 medals so far. They include 20 Gold, 17 Silver and 14 Bronze. More medals are expected in the Games in the remaining days when the Games concludes on 4th August, 2002.

In the last Commonwealth Games held in Kuala Lumpur India had won a total of 25 medals consisting of 7 Gold, 10 Silver and 8 Bronze medals. This time maximum number of medals have come from the shooting and weightlifting events. The Indian contingent will start arriving in New Delhi from 2nd August onwards as per the following schedule:

Team Flight Time
02 August,2002    
Judo (11 players) AF 148 22.05 hrs
05 August,2002    
Badminton (17 players) & Weightlifting (9 players) BA 143 22.55 hrs
Boxing(10 players) AI 112 23.35 hrs
Hockey(19 players) & Weightlifting (9 players)    
06 August, 2002    
Table Tennis (14 players) & Wrestling (10 players) AF 148 22.05 hrs.
04 August (9 players) BA 143 22.55 hrs.
04 August (7 players) AI 112 23.55 hrs.
05 August (11 players) LH 760 00.35 hrs.

Indian Olympic Association has appealed to the public and sports lovers in particular to come in large numbersand receive the players to motivate them for better performance in the coming events including Asian Games which will take place in Pusan, Korea, from 29th September to 14th October, 2002. A reception is also being organised at the International airport on 5th August, 2002 at 11.00 PM to welcome the players.