An Inland Water Transport Development
Council, under the Chairmanship of Minister of Shipping was set
up on 14.5.2001, with the following terms of references:- i. To
monitor the status/progress of overall development of waterways
And improvement in the share of IWT in cargo and passenger involvement.
ii. To assess the future, coordinate development of waterway in
the country. iii. To review the policy framework and recommended
changes/modifications.' iv. To examine requirement of funds for
IWT development and recommended facilitative steps. v. To recommend
measures for steady development of IWT as an integrated component
of multimodal transport. vi. Any other issue relating to development
of IWT, which is of common interest for the Centre and the States.
The first meeting of Inland Water Development Council was held
on 25.8.2001 at New Delhi. As regards out come of the meeting,
following recommendations were made by the Council:- · Setting
up of IWT Directorate/Divisions by each of the State Governments
for focused development of IWT Programmes for better coordination
among various agencies and for implementing regulations relation
to IWT. · Preparation of status paper by each State on their Inland
Waterways, evolving strategy for their development and linkage
with National Waterways, where these exist and drawing up a comprehensive
plan. · Declaration of new national waterways as may be feasible
with a view to extend the coverage of IWT in the country and to
avail of the advantage of such waterways. · Provision of all necessary
facilities in the existing 3 waterways within 10th Plan period
i.e. dependable fairway, terminals, reliable and full time navigation
together with fixed and regular cargo service schedule; the justification
of these projects not to be determine by the rate of return during
the 10th Plan but by the need for creating necessary infrastructure
as developmental acitivity. · States to earmark a fixed percentage
of their budget for road and tourism sectors for accelerated IWT
development. · States to empower Panchayats to undertake various
supporting activities such as desilting, construction of approach
roads, jetties, watch and ward activities for development and
maintenance of the waterways for generation of economic acitivities
and employment. · The States should also devetail approved developmental
programmes to take care of some of the local requirement of IWT.
· Development of tourism related activities including water cruises
around and between places of heritage, historical cultural and
religious importance. This information was given in Rajya Sabha
today by the Minister of State for Shipping Shri Shripad Y. Naik
in a written reply to a question by Shri Rama Muni Reddy Sirigireddy.