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The war started by Mahatmaji is against two things – the Government and secondly against one self. The former kind of war is closed, but the latter shall never cease. It is meant for self-purification.
by Sardar Patel
One can take the path of revolution but the revolution should not give a shock to the society. There is no place for violence in revolution.
by Sardar Patel
Non-violence has to be observed in thought, word and deed. The measure of our non-violence will be the measure of our success.
by Sardar Patel
Satyagraha is not a creed for the weak or the cowardly.
by Sardar Patel
A war based on Satyagraha is always of two kinds. One is the war we wage against injustice and the other we fight against our own weaknesses.
by Sardar Patel
As satyagrahis we should always claim and we did – that we are always ready to make peace with our adversaries. As a matter of fact we are always eager for peace and when we found that the door to peace was opened we decided to enter it.
by Sardar Patel
Happiness and misery are paper balls. Don’t be afraid of death. Join the nationalist forces, be united. Give work to those who are hungry, food to invalids, forget your quarrels.
by Sardar Patel
The negligence of a few could easily send a ship to the bottom, but it required the whole-hearted co-operation of all on board; she could be safely brought to port.
by Sardar Patel
No distinctions of caste and creed should hamper us. All are the sons and daughters of India. We should all love our country and build our destiny on mutual love and help.
by Sardar Patel
In a domestic Government unity and co-operation are essential requisites.
by Sardar Patel
We have to shed mutual bickering, shed the difference of being high or low and develop the sense of equality and banish untouchability. We have to restore the conditions of Swaraj prevalent prior to British rule. We have to live like the children of the same father.
by Sardar Patel
Today we must remove distinctions of high and low, rich and poor, caste or creed.
by Sardar Patel